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Friday, August 19, 2011


You have asked yourself this question before or you wouldn't be collecting.  Some people collect sports stuff just so they can turn around and sell it for a profit.  Nothing wrong with that at all.  I on the other hand collect because I love it.  I really enjoy from time to time going back and looking through binders of cards or flipping through boxes and randomly picking out a card and just looking it over and reading the stats on the back.  If it's an old card I think of what it would have been like to have watched that player play.  And when it comes to Autographs I have gotten, well, I got them myself so I love telling the story of the players attitude and what it was like to meet them.

A couple of post ago I mentioned that I had received an Autograph from Topps Editor Colin Butler.  I had mixed emotions about it because he was an employee rather than a sports figure.  I asked people to post their thoughts on it to see if your thoughts might change my mind into liking them.

I was contacted by a gentlemen named Jake.  Turns out he is best friends with Colin and had been looking for one of his cards ever since the Allen & Ginter set came out, but he was having no luck until he saw my blog on the card.  He asked me if I would be willing to part ways with the card and immediately I said yes just asking a fair price or trade for the card.  While waiting on his reply I started thinking.  I collect cards from every sport that happens to cross my path and a lot of times I get Inserts that really have nothing to do with sports yet I still collect them.  It was then that I realized that even employees could become collectible if marketed correctly as was done with the Allen & Ginters.  I still parted ways with this card because even though it would be collectible it meant something to Jake just like my football autographed by all of the 1998 HOF inductees.  I met each one of them to get their autographs and would never part ways with that football. I understood how Jake felt and knew that the card was going to someone who will really appreciate it and cherish it forever.  Here are a couple photos of Jake and Colin.

Jake mentioned to me that he does not collect sports cards however In my eyes he has just started by collecting one of his good friend Colin and I'm glad that I was able to be involved with helping him reach his goal of getting his card.

The love of collecting.  This transaction is what kindles the spark of opening up another pack of cards or encouraging me to drive many miles to meet that special player.  I hope when you pause and think about your collections whether it's for monetary purposes or for the love of it that you do stop and think of the players, or in this case employees and the people that it does affect!  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. It had been at least 15 years since I had purchased a pack of cards. And when I saw the 2011 AG set having a Pacquiao autographed (boxing) card in it I'd figure I'd roll my dice. I pulled Colin's # 10/10 card. I wasn't so happy at first, but then researching it more changed my mind a little. To think I really wanted a Pacman card that they made several of them and can be seen listed on eBay for outrageous prices regularly. And I got a card I've only seen listed once on there. True the closing price was 15x less, but the rarity is so much greater. This card really hold no sentimental value to me, but I'm not sure I would trade it for the card I originally wanted...unless someone really would like to make that trade. I really think it's a cool card and something to really think about.
